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After my whirlwind trip around the world, I can officially call myself "well-traveled". I've seen the majestic mountain ranges across South America, surreal beaches in Europe and unbelievable architecture in Asian temples. But despite all the amazing things I've seen in my life, my favorite vacation spot has never faltered. It is the Aloha land.


"Aloha" is the common way to greet and bid farewell in Hawaii. It literally translates into "the presence of breath". It's a spiritual reminder that the culmination of all of life's moments coexist with your breath. Breath connects us to the deepest core of ourselves and connects us to the living universe that surrounds us. "Aloha" captures the essence of the Hawaiian spirit in one word and the people who inhabit this enchanting place embody traits of compassion, love and peace. It is an incredible place and I'm hopeful it will be a place I return to many more times over the course of my life. 

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