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Czech Republic

Mariana and I took a meinfernbus from Vienna to Prague and arrived late afternoon. The ride was a smooth 4 hours and by the time we arrived, we still had enough energy to rally through the night. 


After finding our way from the bus station to the metro, we made our way to Post Hostel, where we were staying for the next 4 days. As soon as we got settled in our room, we went back down to the lobby to meet some other guests. Robert, the hostel manager, was taking a group of guys on an unofficial night tour to his favorite local spots. Before they even invited us, we were in. 


Our group consisted of Robert, a group of 5 Canadian guys, Mariana and myself. The first stop was Petrin Hill lookout--described to us as the best view over Prague housing their version of an Eiffel Tower. As we wandered to the metro station, then to the trolley, and lastly to the cable car to get to the top of Petrin Hill, we casually got to know each other. Majority of the group being guys, however, it quickly spiraled into teasing and joking around with each other. 


When we got to the top of the hill, the sky was blanketed with ominous clouds and droplets of rain trickled down upon our heads. We still managed to journey through the park all the way to the bottom, admiring the views on the way. While we weaved in and out of the blossoming trees, the city nightlights started to flicker on in the horizon. As we got to the bottom the rain became heavier and within minutes, we were all soaked. Robert promised us a dinner at his favorite restaurant, so we slowly made our way, stopping in alleys along the way for intermittent shelter from the downpour. When we finally arrived we gorged on warm plates of beef goulash and ice cold glasses of cheap Czech beer. 

 When we finally arrived we gorged on warm plates of beef goulash and ice cold glasses of cheap Czech beer. After dinner, the rain finally subsided and we were delighted to walk on one of Prague's most famous sites, Charles Bridge, which was framed by statues that stood black in the night.


The next day, Mariana and I booked spots on Discover Prague's Royal Walk Free Tour. 


Day 2:  Free Walking Tour by Discover Prague and walk around Prague

Day 3: Got sick, stayed in

Day 4: Left for Berlin





The next day, Mariana and I booked spots on Discover Prague's Royal Walk Free Tour. 


Day 2:  Free Walking Tour by Discover Prague and walk around Prague

Day 3: Got sick, stayed in

Day 4: Left for Berlin



Day 1
Day 2
Travel Tips
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